What we can do

  • In the present-day highly-competitive context of the retail financial services market, great emphasis is placed on a wide product line that banks offer to the public. In this case, an important factor of the competitive ability of the products and services that certain credit institutions deliver is their flexibility allowing them to meet various customer demands as the market environment and the customers' behavior change.

    The development of banking products/services is a process which involves the entire corporate structure, from top to bottom, consisting of a huge number of subdivisions (directorates, departments, divisions and sections) and, therefore, a numerous staff.

    Viridian delivers services in developing and upgrading banking products that help significantly reduce the costs of profit acquisition from each current and new bank customer by cutting down the expenses both for customer acquisition and internal resources.

  • The turning point for each financial company comes when the management starts revisiting their current fintech products and services to find new ways to invite the customers' funds.

    Unfortunately, in many cases, a financial company staff is unable to troubleshoot the tools they currently use or find new ways to bring the money in.

    Luckily enough, this is when our team of developers and financial analysts can come to your rescue. We will analyze all the money raising tools that you use, give you recommendations, and offer an innovative solution.

  • The problems that you may face about your hardware or software do not only result in downtime periods and business rhythm interruption, but also involve the consequences that you may not notice at first, such as customer attrition or deterioration of the company's reputation.  The subscriber survice provides early problem resolution which minimizes all negative consequences for your business.

    You can confide the IT support that your business needs to the Viridian professional team.

  • Every licensed software product has an official developer support term. When the support term expires, the owner of this product has to bargain for further highly-qualified support and servicing.  Most financial technology products require not only technical proficiency but also additional certificates and licenses that permit the company and the company's experts to provide this support.

    The Viridian team provides support to your business 24/7.  As long as you work with us, you can be sure that your software products operate in an uninterrupted way.

  • Statistics say that every bank customer brings an annual revenue of over 1,000 rubles to the bank, depending on the bank's product range that they have chosen. The value of each new customer for the bank is evident. Generally, when you estimate the efficiency of the advertising campaigns performed and the TV data, you may find out that the advertising expenses account for a large portion of the total company's income. 

    Targeted lead generation helps cut down the costs. Our experts know how to attract the target audience using white-hat techniques within the shortest time possible. Just contact us and we will bring new customers in today!